
I am a copywriter—and have been for nearly 20 years now. People I meet always think that has something to do with being a lawyer or legal-type stuff. No, much to my parents’ disappointment, I write advertising copy for ads, brochures, websites, broadcast and whatever else people want to pay me to write for them. If you have a moment, take a look around the site and see the kind of things I’ve done and could do for you.

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I started working as a copywriter in the advertising business in the mid 1990s. Over the years, I’ve been talented enough to work for some of the better ad shops in Denver (and some of the lousier ones, too). I’ve turned down great job offers in Minneapolis, Baltimore and Colorado Springs. I even impressed Alex Bogusky once with an agency moving announcement.

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You want experience? Take some of mine. I have plenty to spare. In the last nearly 20 years now, I’ve created ideas for everything from burgers and banks, to skis and schools. I remember working on projects back in college thinking about how cool it was going to be to actually have clients pay me for creating ideas. And while a few difficult clients and a mortgage have helped me understand why I need to get paid for this, I still enjoy helping organizations solve their marketing problems today.

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We were good at putting out fires. So we borrowed the common mobile phone acronym “I.C.E.” for “in case of emergency.”

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